My first wishes of "Dreams High, Promises New, Joys Afresh and Learnings Great" comes to everyone on the New Year of 2009!
The end of 2008 has observed some of the good news. One of them is the Vietnamese Football Team's AFF Cup Championship after approximately 5 decades. The vision seems emerging out of our preceding hardship, dreams; and especially the willing of change over the time.
I saw people rolling excitingly and jofully down on the roads to cheer up for the celebration. The synergy of a shared vision has been exploded. That is how the shared vision works to inspire and motivate the inner insights of growth and creativity. The event of our winning is a part of the whole country vision. I would be very curious about the larger vision of Vietnam for the next coming years. Sooner or later, it will emerge - noticing for many years, since the war ended, we have been paying a great attention to "wealth" by the economic growth and development policies. On the other hands, it stays the hidden escalation systemic structure unless we give rooms for different individuals' goals exposed - the event of winning is such the space.
Now our New Year of 2009 has come, it is the time we regenerated new wishes and dreams with the New Year Resolutions. It is where our personal vision (Personal Mastery works) comes out.
It has taken me a while to appreciate the ways things work by themselves. There was a time when I turned my back against the corperate world as assuming "it's not for me - for my dynamics". And it is interesting to see how much I could be able to learn from it since I have started my work at LogiGear - a software testing outsourcing company. This means quite a lot. Sometimes we may not be very aware of what is meant to us due to the attachment to the "different vision" until we can learn to open hearts and accept things to come in. At the end, there are the reasons for things to happen in such the ways.
My first new year day is celebrated by the other good news from the program of Institute of Potential Leaders. I have passed its third round (out of five) after the competence test. There are still two rounds to go with the interview parts before the course kicks off. I would appreciate all of your prayers.
On the season of New Year which blossoms the work of Personal Mastery, I have found a nice quote by Peter Senge "We often spend so much time coping with problems along our path that we only have a dim or even inaccurate view of what's really important to us."
Happy New Year to All!
Kind Regards,